BLOG — Serbian Case for Space

Portal Tango Six je intervjuisao članove naše Fondacije / Portal Tango Six interviewed members of our Foundation

Vodeći aviacioni portal u Srbiji Tango Six je objavio ekskluzivnu reportažu o našoj Fondaciji i potencijalima za razvoj svemirske industrije u Srbiji

Leading aerospace news portal in Serbia Tango Six has pubished an in-depth column about our Foundation and the possibilities for development of space industry in Serbia.


Objava partners.htmltva sa Evropskim centrom za svemirsko pravo/ECSL Partnership announcement

Sa ogromnim zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je Evropski centar za svemirsko pravo (ECSL) po prvi put u istoriji otvorio kategoriju „Prijatelji ECSL-a“. Ova kategorija je otvorena za države koje nisu ni član niti pridruženi član centra i SCS je imao veliku čast da bude proglašen prvim Prijateljem! ECSL podržava aktivnosti SCS-a u širenju značaja svemirskog prava u Srbiji, podizanju svesti i ohrabrivanju mladih da se uključe u svemirski domen. Sa druge strane, SCS će biti info point u Srbiji za sve novosti i aktivnosti ECSL-a.

We are enormously honored to inform you that European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) has opened for the first time „Friends of ECSL“ category for non-Member States and non-Associated States and made SCS its first friend! ECSL supports SCS activities in spreading space law in Serbia, raising awareness and encouraging young people to join space domain. On the other side, SCS will serve as point of information in Serbia regarding ECSL news and activities.


Serbian Case for Space Foundation participating in conferences in Moscow and Bremen

Serbian Case for Space Foundation attended the First UN Conference on Space Law and Policy, organized by the UNOOSA, ROSCOSMOS and Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Moscow from the 11th to the 14th of September. At this occasion, Anja Nakarada Pečuljič participated in a panel alongside Professors from Keio and La Sapienza University and legal advisors from UAE space agency and ESA, and she discussed legal aspects of space debris mitigation and remediation.

Two weeks later, at the International Astronautical Congress 2018, held from the 1st to the 5th of October, Marko Pajović and Anja Nakarada Pečujlić presented a paper titled "Legal Rights and Possibilities to Access Satellite Data for a Non-Member State of Space Community: Case of Republic of Serbia". This paper emphasized how important is Serbia’s participation in the space domain nowadays, how beneficial would be the involvement in international space organizations, and concluded that international space community should not leave behind countries that are still in economic transition.


Serbian Case for Space i Jedan Stepen Srbija sklopili partners.htmltvo

Na osnovu zajedničkih težnji i ciljeva dve organizacije, sa ponosom objavljujemo da smo sklopili partners.htmltvo sa organizacijom “Jedan Stepen”. Ekološka svest i želja za napretkom u sferi novih tehnologija moraju da idu jedno uz drugo, u suprotnom rizikujemo da sve naše delovanje bude uzaludno zbog nepopravljive štete koju nanosimo okruženju. Saradnja će se ogledati kako u daljem širenju mreže partnera zainteresovanih da preuzmu aktivnu ulogu u rešavanju problema zagađenja okoline, tako i u održavanju tribina i ostalih zajedničkih događaja koji će za temu imati upoznavanje sa materijom kosmičke industrije i njenih različitih primena na zaštitu životne sredine.

Imajući u vidu da se do velikog broja podataka koji se koriste u izučavanju klime i klimatskih promena, kao i onih za izučavanje uzroka klimatskih promena dolazi upravo prikupljanjem u svemiru saradnja sa Serbian Case for Space je sjajna prilika da upotpunimo naša znanja iz ove oblasti. Takođe, obe organizacije snažno promovišu nauku i zagovaraju se za upotrebu naučnih činjenica prilikom donošenja odluka. Naša saradnja će se u početnom periodu ogledati u razmeni informacija i proširenju mreže partnera, a kasnije planiramo i održavanje zajedničkih događaja koji će za teme imati kosmička istraživanja i nauku o klimatskim promenama i vezu između njih. Podržavamo težnje Fondacije Serbian Case for Space za unapređenje aktivnosti povezanih sa kosmosom, kao i uspostavljanje kosmičkog programa u Srbiji, i nadamo se da ćemo moći da doprinesemo njihovim aktivnostima - rekao je Đorđe Samardžija, član jedan stepen Srbija.

Program i aktivnosti organizacije Jedan Stepen Srbija možete pogledati na


What is Serbian Case for Space Foundation?

In order to answer this question, we will introduce the aims of our foundation bearing in mind that space related topics are neglected in Serbia in spite of their relevancy for economic development, security and quality of everyday life.

In Serbia, space governance, space technology, space law and their significance tend to be linked to science fiction or perceived as an expensive and, more importantly, exclusive realm only a select few superpowers can take part in. Fortunately, the space club is not as exclusive nor as unreachable as one would think. Among else, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Lebanon, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Ghana, Kenya and regional states like Slovenia, Romania, Hungary and Greece have expressed their interest in devising a national space policy program and joined relevant UN bodies (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, COPUOS).  Serbia is not a spacefaring nation, it does not have a space programme nor does it participate in space activities. However, it does not have to start from the beginning since Yugoslavia signed in the late sixties four of the five existing space treaties. This means that Serbia has firm ground to develop its space strategy and join international institutions, especially those for which it already fulfills initial requirements for membership.

Serbian Case for Space Foundation (SCS) was established with a threefold aim:

  • contributing to the development of space strategy by providing comparative analyses of space policies and conducting research on the national industrial capacities; 
  • making decision-makers aware of the potential economic benefits deriving from space activities and systems. It is worth noting that global revenue from space-related activities in 2016 was 329 billion dollars and it has been thriving at a compound annual growth rate of 9.52 per cent in the past twenty years;
  • inspiring and engaging private sector in the space domain.


SCS and decision-makers

Participation in international organizations that deal with space activities would give Serbia access to a new pool of funds, the possibility to take part in innovative projects.html and to utilize state of the art technology. Despite the fact that Serbia is a small, developing country, it can immediately begin to harvest these benefits, as the Article 1 of the Outer Space Treaty indicates:  “The exploration and use of outer space […] shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind”.

SCS and private sector

Most people have some idea about the usage of satellite technology in navigation, communications and Earth observation. However, space exploration and satellite applications go beyond what a layman can cite, and pervade many fields crucial for the safety and quality of human lives, such as transportation, medicine, agriculture, environment and disaster management (e.g. telemedicine, pollution monitoring, drought and flood predictions). Scientific and technological innovations in the sphere of space have become a vehicle for economic and social growth as well as global interconnectedness. This has created opportunities for private sector to engage in space industry and benefit from commercial possibilities. SCS will strive to connect existing private companies, both locally and internationally, thereby helping them to expand their products and services to the space domain. In addition, SCS hopes that such cooperation would lead to the creation of national start-ups in this field as space systems will play an increasingly important role in modern societies.

For all these reasons, SCS will urge decision-makers, by providing credible legal arguments and strategic information, to now formally include Serbia in the global space community and open the forgotten doors and windows to the advantages that derive from outer space activities.
