Team - Serbian Case for Space
Co-founder and CEO

Co-founder and CEO

Anja Nakarada PeCujliC

Anja Nakarada Pecujlic is a PhD candidate and assistant researcher at the University of Cologne where she is writing her thesis on space law. Prior to that, she was an External Consultant to the European Space Policy Institute in Vienna on space law and policy topics. She graduated in 2014 from the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna specializing in international law.

Co-founder and COO

Co-founder and COO

Marko PajoviC

Marko Pajovic is a freelance researcher with a focus on international relations, EU, and industrial policies. Additionally, he is a business developer for a gaming company "Demagog Studio" and a private company "Villa PM". He graduated at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.



Communication specialist

Communication specialist

Andrej DJurmez

Andrej Djurmez is an attorney at law, working as a junior partner in a regional attorneys office "Simic and company" since 2014. His main focus is corporate law, labor law and litigation. He holds a Master degree in corporate law from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. 



Bosko Vojkic is Space Law and Telecommunications professional with previous experience as University lecturer in Space Law and Policy, ICT Legal Associate and Telco Business Associate. He holds a Master 2 Degree in Space Law Activities and Telecommunications from Paris Saclay / Paris-Sud University and Institute for Space Law and Telecommunications from Paris, France (Master thesis: Mega-constellations).